It will also give me a moment to catch up on my Fun Dollars reporting (sick kids= less time to write). This past Monday began a new pay cycle. I started making a new wish list over Christmas Break, and I am slowly checking things off. One such item that I have been looking forward to spending Fun Dollars on is a six-pack of vino at Safeway. A trend in liquor sales is selling mix-and-match six-packs and offering a discount of some sort. Since I am not buying beer or soda, I am curious about trying various wines, sort of like a home wine tasting. I know which wines I really like, so I usually just buy the same ones over and over. With this "experiment" I am wanting to branch out and try some new wines that I have been intimidated to try thus far.
My mix included Nobilo Sauvignon Blanc, Robert Mondavi Chardonnay, Bogle Chardonnay, Rex-Goliath Cabernet Sauvignon, Gnarly Head Old Vine Zinfandel, and Purple Cowboy Tenacious Red (Blend).

The next night, we opened up the Nobilo Sauvignon Blanc. I have had Noblio before, and I knew I liked it, but it's been over a year (I think ) since I have actually tasted a glass. Last week, Corey bought two bottles of Kim Crawford (my favortite Sauvignon Blanc...actually, my favorite white wine period) so I wanted to taste the Nobilo against the Kim Crawford while it was fresh in my mind. As it turns out, the Noblio is a perfectly acceptable substitute which costs $10.00 less than Kim Crawford (regularly priced).
As for the last two red wines, I have had both of the before. I fell in love with the Gnarly Head last week, while Corey was on a spree of spending Fun Dollars on wine. (This also was a prompt to act on the six-bottle discount. He bought several bottles individually last week, and I kept thinking, "If he bought them all at once, he could have saved enough for an extra bottle!") I tried it next to Bogle Old Vine Blend, and prefer the Gnarly Head. Normally, Bogle is my go-to brand for tasty-yet-inexpensive wine, but in this case, the Gnarly Head won, hands down.
I plan on saving The Purple Cowboy for later. A friend of mine brought over a bottle once for a BBQ several months ago and I was blown away. Mostly, I just want to have a bottle for myself saved away for a good steak dinner and wanted to capitalize on the six-dollar discount when I bought it. This was the most expensive bottle in the bunch at $11.00.
All said and done, with my Safeway coupon app and the six-pack discount, I spent $48.00 on 6 bottles of wine. I am enjoying my little wine tasting experiment and, so far, am pleased with the results.
6 bottles of wine at Safeway- $48.00
Balance this pay cycle- $52.00
Happy Spending!
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