Then we made plans to head down to Phoenix for a few days while Corey worked at the head office. I would take the kids around Phoenix and have dinner with Corey in the evenings. It didn't sound the like the best vacation, but it would do for getting out of the house and doing new things. But even these plans came to naught when he told me he was just going to head down for an overnight. He wasn't needed for three days at the office like what was expected.
Earlier last week, Corey was talking to a coworker about his need for a real vacation, and she suggested Rocky Point, Mexico. She said that she takes her grandkids down there frequently. It's safe, and close enough to drive.
So the idea of a Mexico escape became our talking point. We knew we wouldn't all be going to Phoenix together, and the idea of driving to be beach became more and more enticing. Since Corey's work schedule is so erratic, though, he was not quite sure when he could just leave the country and not answer his phone for 48 hours. I was officially on 'standby'.
We then headed to Target where I picked up some non-food grocery items and a few things for our trip (whenever that happened to be.) I bought some new beach towels, some sunscreen and some aloe vera gel. (I have been on too many family beach vacations as a kid to know that accidental sunburn is the hallmark of going to the seaside.) We then headed to to the dollar store so that Carrick could spend the remainder of his Fun Dollars. I also bought Lily two little things with my Fun Dollars; a book of princess stickers to use for her potty chart and a small yellow ball she would not part with at the checkout.
Heading back home with our lunch bags that I diligently packed, we spent no money on food whilst in Flagstaff. Lily conked out before we even got out of town, so instead of heading straight home, I took a side street and headed for a park. I let Carrick play while I sat on a bench next to the car and could watch both kids from that vantage point. I called my grandmother and wished her a happy birthday while the kids were occupied. I told her we were planning on heading down to Mexico soon, but we didn't have a specific date in mind yet.
We headed home and I began searching for our passports and the birth certificates for the kids. Then I gathered together all our swimming gear and packed that bag "just in case". I took the kids on their promised playdate to the splash pad at 11. By 1 we were home and eating lunch, and by 2, Lily was napping and I was ready to do the same, except...
"Hi, babe, what's up?"
"Pack your bags and the kids, we're going to Mexico tonight..."
Toys at Dollar Tree- $2.00
Breakfast at Denny's- $13.00 (with tip)
Balance this pay cycle- $78.00
Happy Spending!
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