Tuesday, June 30, 2020


A funny thing happened when I picked the kids up after work yesterday.

As soon as they were in the car they were both clamoring to go shopping at Game Stop.

"Woah, woah woah...slow down...One at a time," I said as I tried to make sense of their competing enthusiasm.

Carrick took the lead, "Can we go to Game Stop, like today? I decided I want to buy Lily's 3 DS."

I don't know if you know anything about gaming (becuase I sure don't), but my son does. At least, he knows about Pokemon and how it relates to his own Nintendo 3DS. He is quite  the "Pokemon Nerd" to use his favorite title.

To give you some back story, Lily expressed a desire to get her own Nintendo 3DS a few months ago.. She had been in quarrantine with her brother and decided that she needed her own gaming unit. Apparently she too enjoys Pokemon and wanted to play just like her brother. She asked me if that was something I would buy for her. I agreed, but only if she earned it.

I was not dilligent about making a rewards chart for her, and I just kept putting it off. Truthfully, spending money on a gaming system just wasn't high on my priority list. I figured as long as she got it by Christmas we'd be ok.

However, during quarrantine, Carrick realized that without his regular playmates nearby to trade Pokemon with (yes, you can trade between gaming units) he would not be able to level up and "evolve" his Pokemon. So he needed someone else physically near him to also play the game in order to trade and level up the critters.

This is a very big deal to him. He really, truly cares about the Pokemon in his game. In fact, he cares so much that it was worth it to him to drop $100.00 of his own Fun Dollars just to get access to the ability to trade. He was offering to buy his sister the Nintendo 3DS and the partner Pokemon game for her just so he would have access to her Pokemon!

Normally, this request would be a flat out "No." Why would I allow him to spend that kind of money on a gaming unit for a 7-year-old? I will admit, I was willing to do that, but I was thinking of actually getting it later in the year when she's closer to 8 and had actually earned it.

But since time was a facctor for him (and I knew he actually had the cash) I agreed to take the kids to Game Stop.


Yes, I let him do it. Why? Becuase he has earned my respect with his spending habits. I know how Carrick thinks about money. I knew that he would not be OK with a purchase unless he was absolutely sure about it. He has demonstrated that self-restraint with money time and time again. His offer to pay for his sister's gaming unit felt like an opportunity for me to show him that I trust his decisions with money. 

So, we did go to Game Stop. Carrick told the guy exactly what he was looking for. When we found the device and the game, the total was more than his $100.00 budget. ($122 when it was all said and done.) I reassured him I would take care of the extra.

After we returned home, I made a star chart for Lily. I told Carrick that every time she helps him out, he is allowed to add a star. Like when I ask Carrick to pick up all the socks on the floor, he can now ask his sister to do it for him. He has to let me know about it and we both initial the star. And if I need Lily to do something, I can add a star and let Carrick know so he can initial it. Lily is not allowed to add her own stars, but she can color in any stars that her brother and I add to the chart.

This way, her "repayment" of what we bought her is measuered and accounted for. I explained that without the chart, Carrick could just keep asking her to do stuff for him, even after what would be considered "just compensation". Also, the chart makes it worth it to both Carrick and me for spending our own Fun Dollars on the DS becuase Lily is helping us both out.

I also acknowledge the sibling bond that was created over this transaction. With a shared game to play, there might be a little less of the bickering? (Mom's hope) Also, Lily sees that her brother is willing to be generous to her and she feels included. Carrick feels empowered by his money decision and knows that I have respect for his money choices. I also think it's good for him to spend money on someone else. (Even though he does get some benefit from it, ultimately, this is a gift to his sister.)

I am really proud of my kids. They are both learning, and it's always a process, but I do think they're on the right track.

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